Laying the best foundation to ensure your software development success
Successfully scoping a software project is the foundation of success, and is a highly collaborative process of discovery. Through our 1-2 day workshops we get to the heart of the issue, working to balance and prioritise the objectives of all the key stakeholders.
We will bring a new technical perspective. We’ll listen, ask questions and objectively evaluate your needs as well as exploring your future goals and desires. We’ll help you define what your software must and must not do. Once we have the full picture we work with you to prioritise your functionality to determine the minimum viable product and the roadmap for development.
Writing your 'epic' | An epic, in Agile terms , is the complete workflow of a user. It is a large body of work that can be broken down into 5-10 user stories. These are broad functional capabilities. |
User Stories |
Critical to the development process, a user stories is a description of a software feature from an end-user perspective. To make this possible, “users” and user groups have to be defined from the outset and the activities they would then perform are clearly mapped. As a <type of user>, I want <some goal> so that <some reason>. What this achieves is a set of rules, parameters and requirements that our developers and testers use as a sense check throughout your project. |
Project Proposal and Functional Specification |
This is a top level document designed to give clarity to all stakeholders and can be used to achieve buy in from any additional stakeholders who did not take part in the discovery workshop. We can also provide a visual presentation illustrating the functionality and giving a sense of the operation, giving everyone a real sense of how the finished article will look and feel and allow viewers to experience basic user journeys. An engaging and persuasive UX experience. |
Project Technical specification |
The full technical specification is the bible both for stakeholders and developers, with comprehensive details |